
#DOTYouth is a global movement of daring social innovators. Read about how some of DOT Jordan’s digital champions, community leaders, and social innovators are creating opportunities and transforming their communities.

Salma Ghozlan

DOT Jordan’s youth who is now a developer!

Salma is a true inspiration for aspiring digital enthusiasts. Her story is a testament to the power of determination and ...


Rezek Abazid

A diverse future with a common core—community building

From volunteering in his community to delivering digital skills training for Syrian refugees to educating his peers about violence against ...



Mohammad Shehadat

Connecting Syrian refugees with educational opportunities and skills development

As a Syrian refugee, Mohammad Shehadat knows what it feels like to have his life put on hold. His online ...


Rahma Al-Quran

No one can succeed or remain successful without cooperating with others

Rahma Qur’an is one of the participants in the Impact Sourcing for Apprenticeship Opportunities project. Rahma participated in the training ...


Photo of DOTYouth Momen

Momen Al-Hamid

Momen Al-Hamid is an ambitious and talented young man, who graduated from the University of Jordan. During his studies, Momen’s ...


Lujain, DOT Youth from Jordan, looking at the camera


Making blood sugar monitoring accessible in Jordan

Lujain Asem Abusohyon’s life changed when she was 17-years-old. “I felt tired but I did not know why. My eyes ...


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